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Master Naturalists in action!
Field trip paddling the Bogue Chitto
Visiting the fish collection at the LSUMNS.
Learning to hold a dragonfly.
Aquatic life activity at Hilltop's Backyard Habitat Summer Camp
Volunteers removing invasive privet at Blackwater Conservation Area.
Looking at the salamander that was found during the herps workshop
Jane Patterson with the Baton Rouge Audubon Society teaching birdwatching.
Dr. Antwi collecting insects at Hilltop Arboretum for our 2018 BioBlitz
Exploring the diversity of coloration in Northern Cardinals at the Louisiana Museum of Natural Science.
The Herps Workshop education team!
Valerie Derouen shows us the bird tissue collection cryotanks at LSUMNS
Geology lesson during Forest Ecology class
Beautiful morning at the Birds workshop
Mushroom foray in St. Gabriel
Dr. Dennis Ring with the LSU AgCenter demonstrates arthropod collecting to participants.
2018 BioBlitz birding team: LMNGBR, BRAS and LSUMNS.
Performing a bird song composed for kids. A fun final project! "Who cooks for you?"
Seining for aquatic critters.
Juvenile banded water snake found during a Reptiles class walk.
Kathy Morden and friend at the mammals workshop
Firefly and sphinx moth at the nocturnal naturalist workshop
Ken Bosso helps out at the BREC Conservation BioBlitz
Baton Rouge kitchen crew at the statewide Master Naturalist Rendezvous at Chicot State Park.
Field trip to Honey Island Swamp
Exploring loess geology at Tunica Hills WMA
Logan Wiedenfeld leads us on our annual mushroom foray.
Volunteer work day at the LDWF native plant display garden.
Visiting the LSU River Model.
Volunteering at Burden's Arbor Day event.
Stargazing at the observatory
Enjoyed the winter botany walk at Burden!
Touring the LSUMNS mammals collection
S'mores and an astronomy talk by Dr. Kathy Morden before the BioBlitz nocturnal herp walk with Ben Grizzle with L.A.R.E.
A Girl Scout shows off the moth she found during outdoor educational activities we provided in partnership with Hilltop Arboretum.
Nature walk at Fontainebleau State Park with Dr. Robert Thomas during the 2019 Rendezvous, the Master Naturalist annual conference.
LSU Ornithology graduate student Vitek Jirinec led us on a great bird walk during the 2019 BioBlitz at Hilltop Arboretum.
Canoe field trip on the Bogue Chitto River.
Cricket frog
Plants Workshop group photo at the big oak at LSU's Hilltop Arboretum.
Botany field trip with Dr. Urbatsch at Tickfaw State Park
Dr. Israel presentation and displays on the butterflies of the Felicianas
Field trip to Joyce WMA and a great opportunity to photograph nature.
Educational outreach at a Girl Scout event
Arthropods workshop at Allen Acres.
Helping BREC by removing invasive water hyacinth at Blackwater Park.
LMNGBR is dedicated to helping BREC maintain their parks and conservation areas.
Learning how to tag a monarch before release.
Bob Dillemuth introduces the history of Hilltop Arboretum at the Plants Workshop.
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